Contracts, Compliance, and Conflict of Interest Authority LLC (C3Authority) offers policy review and development; , training, process improvement, assistance with implementation of federal regulations, contracts, and compliance issues, and general research administration support. LEARN MORE

We have decades of experience in a variety of organizations and are able to step in to address your needs from creative problem solving to review and organization of policies and procedures and even assistance with individual project related tasks.

We are a team of skilled people who are ready to turn our collective energy to address your needs. See Here

C3Authority can assist you in reaching mutually beneficial agreements, and practical, amicable solutions that are necessary to facilitate effective relationships. We assist with developing related processes and policies that are responsive to laws, regulations, and funder requirements and that can assist you in tracking and approval processes.

C3Authority can guide you through the maze of laws, regulations, policies, and guidelines and assist you with development of policies and processes to help assure your ongoing compliance.

Conflict of Interest
C3 Authority can help you to be responsive to regulations regarding personal financial Conflict of interest and Institutional Conflict of Interest while pursuing entrepreneurial relationships and translational activities.

The C3Authority Associates bring decades of experience covering all aspects of regulations, policies, and processes needed to provide effective and practical services from review to implementation to the entire spectrum of clients.



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